Five Must-Haves for Your Next Binge Watching Session

           Nothing in the world matches the pleasure of snuggling up on the couch, finding your favorite show and watching it from beginning to the end in one go. Weekends these days are just an excuse to turn on your screens and plunge into the world of countless TV Shows and seasons. But before you get ready for your next binging session here are a few must-haves to snag which you will thank me later for-

  1. Find your binge buddy
Yeah I know. Some of you prefer to binge alone but what would be better than a binge buddy to share all the tension and suspense with. Get yourself a perfect binge buddy and you will see how that session becomes a memorable one.

  1. A Backup……. Always!!!
Is a binge watching session a true one if it is interrupted midway by a failed internet connection or unpaid account? Though strong internet connection and a paid account are the obvious for a binge watcher, a backup streaming device and alternate paid account are trademark of a pro binge watcher.

  1. Snacks at handy
If you ask me the greatest horror in binge watching is running out of snacks. Getting up every time to order some is a true bummer when binging let alone cooking something up. Stock those snacks before settling down and you will be in for a real treat. Keep enough stuff stored and handy and your movie marathon will be lovely one.

  1. A comfy couch and (very)fluffy pillows
When you get down to battle those seasons you field needs to be comfortable one. What will get you through hours and hours of sitting is a smooth couch with your favorite pillow snuggled up next to you.

  1. Beware of the Chronology
You don’t want your season to be ruined by finding out midway that you have skipped an episode. Watch out for unordered episodes as this tends to happen in long TV Series with a large number of episodes and seasons. Arrange the Series properly before to enjoy the entire TV Show in one go.

These must-haves ought to bring up your next binge watching session up a notch. And from one binge watcher to another you need these for an ultimate binging experience.  


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