Seven Ways In Which The World Could End

The film industry has routinely envisioned apocalyptic ending to humanity’s stint on Earth. Be it the Mayans or Hollywood movies, it is easy to ignore these prophecies but Doomsday could just be the next date in your calendar. Are we in danger of being wiped from the face of Earth? Here are seven ways in which the human race could face extinction-

  1. Asteroids Impact
What wiped out the dinosaurs could be our end too. The space is full of trillions of chunks of rocks many of which fall into the earth’s atmosphere but are too small to cause an impact. But if an asteroid big enough to wipe a civilization comes passing by and is not detected beforehand, it would be impossible to nuke the apocalypse of planet Earth.

  1. Solar Storm
The sun is always shooting charged particles through the space resulting in merely light shows like the Northern Lights. But a major sun storm could result in catastrophic fires on the Earth’s surface setting blaze the entire human society.

  1. Planet Pinball
Billions of planets exist in the universe orbiting their respective suns in definite orbit. Being unaware of the movement of most of the planets we can’t anticipate the coinciding of Earth’s orbit with some other planet in the distant space. Such a planet could literally cross paths with earth resulting in a doomsday collision.

  1. Nuclear War
With nine countries equipped with nuclear warheads the biggest threat to humanity lies in the very hands of humans. With a very large scale of destruction nuclear weapons hold the capability to wipe a major section of the human population and plunging the world in a nuclear winter.

  1. (Super)Volcanic Eruption

No wonder volcanoes the worshiped as gods for the hold the power to create as well as destroy. Power of a volcano is way out of our control and can be highly fatal to the human race for a super volcano can wipe out an entire continent in a single explosion and cover the entire Earth in a fatal ash cloud.

  1. Biological Warfare
Weaponized in the form aerosol or cloud a toxin, like Anthrax, could take out large portions of a population in an easy and swift manner. A well-engineered disease once introduced in an environment could spread like a wild fire and cripple an entire nation.

  1. Artificial Black Hole
Recent experiments on dark matter and the raw power of some reactions have led to belief that a black hole can be engineered accidentally or intentionally in a lab. When the LHC was turned on it led to speculations that it could give birth to a black hole that would consume the Earth.



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