

Phobia is getting terribly scared of particular objects, people or situation without any sensible explanation. Phobias are often very disturbing and can have to even the most unexpected persons in the most unexpected ways. In fact, it seems humans can be afraid of almost anything. Here are five of the weirdest phobia you won’t believe actually exist-

  1. Venustraphobia
Being a man one can only dream of finding a world full of beautiful women, but imagine if the same thought petrifies you to death! Only the thought of it shivers us, but studies show that what one may think of as nervousness or shyness maybe a bizarre phobia named Venustraphobia.

  1. Chaetophobia
Who does not love one’s hair. In fact, we spend a lot of money taking care of them. But imagine constantly being ripped by the feeling of pulling your hair apart. If you experience such a fear of body hair, then you may have developed a Chaetophobia.

  1. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliphobia
Too afraid to read this word? You just might be suffering from the fear of long words namely Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliphobia. Intensity varies from person to person and even the length of the words.

  1. Pteronophobia
Ever been tickled by someone to the point you had tears rolling out of your eyes. Well it sure is fun but not to some. People suffering from Pteronophobia tend to have an irrational fear of being tickled by a feather. How could a soft feather possibly hurt someone? Right? Well ask that to a Pteronophobic.

  1. Phobophobia
The thought of all these phobias the quite scary but if it causes you to sweat and sends shivers down your spine you are probably phobophobic. Fearing having a fear maybe a wise thing but can turn into a condition which maybe have severe consequences for some people. 


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